Want a yummy cranberry apple drink and natural solutions (herbs & oils) to support urinary tract health? You know when you’re having an issue, right, and this drink and these solutions are such a relief!
My Urinary Tract Issue
I ate a bunch of sugar over Thanksgiving weekend, which led to symptoms of a urinary tract issue. Who can resist all the tempting pies and other treats within easy reach over these holidays? I can’t. Especially when I’m 7 1/2 months pregnant. (Written 12-1-2010)
I’ve been feeling fine, but a couple days after I got home from our trip I found myself with very low energy. I should have been tipped off by my feelings of not caring about anything and just wanting to go back to bed.
I didn’t have the normal symptoms of burning when I went to the bathroom or the frequent need to go, but I know I am more prone to yeast and urinary tract discomfort when I’m pregnant. Luckily, I had an appointment with my midwife, Vickie Sorensen the same day I lost my energy.
So I did the typical urine test at her office, and it came up high in leukocytes, which indicates nitrites, which indicates an issue in the urinary tract, and a little blood, which also points to an issue. The problem was starting to rage and I hardly knew I had it.
Vickie once had a lady who was in labor with a urinary tract issue and couldn’t push the baby out because her bladder kept having spasms. So Vickie said I needed to have the problem resolved within a week or she’d want me to get some medication (which I strongly want to avoid).
The reason the discomfort wasn’t manifesting itself more strongly is because I had been drinking water with lemon oil in it every day. I’m sure this helped keep the problem at bay. But I wasn’t drinking enough in general. The lemon just wasn’t enough to combat all the sugar with the low amount of fluids I consumed while traveling.
Suggestions From A Master Herbalist
I also really liked her suggestion of making a cranberry/apple drink by blending up actual fresh cranberries, which are in season now. I threw in a little yogurt and stevia, and I’m making a drink everyday. It’s delicious! Cranberry juice prevents bacteria from adhering to the wall of the urinary tract, so it’s good to drink the juice or take CranActin capsules if you feel something coming on. I’ve been using D-Mannose most recently.
I took 2 doses of the herbal formulas with some extra echinacea the first day, and by the next morning I had my energy back! I was very happy about that. After that I felt fine and tried to drink lots of lemon water along with my herbs and 1 capsule of immune essential oils for good measure. I also avoided white sugar.*
Cranberry Apple Drink
Just blend up these ingredients well in a blender.
1/2 cup water or plant milk
half cup fresh or frozen cranberries
1/2 cup yogurt (optional)
2 mini spoons pure stevia extract (opt)
1/2 cup ice (optional)
1/2 cup spinach, chard or kale for extra nutrition (optional)
Natural Tools for Urinary Tract Support
Herbal immune capsules (I recommend Vickie’s or Dr. Christopher’s) 2 caps, 3 times a day, 5 drops immune essential oil blend in an empty capsule, 3 times a day, and 1-2 cloves raw garlic per day
1. Herbal kidney capsules (I use Dr. Christopher’s) 2 caps, 3 times a day
2. CranActin capsules, 1 cap, 2 times a day, or a cranberry drink daily
3. Myrrh essential oil rubbed on lower abdomen, 2 times a day (optional)
4. For minor pain, Slippery Elm lozenges or capsules, 1 lozenge, 3 times a day (drink extra water if taking the capsules!)
5. Avoiding junk and white sugar is a must! Eat more raw, whole foods
More Tips
Make sure there’s no back up in the digestive system, and that waste is flowing out freely. Take colon herbs or peppermint essential oil in a capsule if needed. The body needs to be free to eliminate all the toxic materials it possibly can.
The tools for helping ourselves do exist and they work. If we just learn about them and try them, their function will become second nature to us. It’s empowering to know the proper ways to care for and support our bodies!
*Update – 12/17/10
After continuing to have leukocytes on my next appointment, I had to beef up my protocol, and I learned a few things I want to share with you. Vickie suggested I cut back on the kidney herbs because they are diuretic and my lips and hands were drying out a bit. I went to 1 capsule 2-3 times a day, and kept taking the other herbs 2-3 times a day.
I started taking 1 raw clove of garlic per day, pressed into butter on toast, soup or blended in veggie juice. And I also added 2 drops each of basil, juniper berry and oregano essential oils in capsule with the 5 drops of immune oils twice a day. I rubbed these oils on my lower abdomen (diluted in 1/2 tsp carrier oil) and bottoms of feet every night too.
As long as I focused on getting enough immune support along with the kidney specific herbs, my leukocytes went down. The bottom line is, you have to get as aggressive as whatever it is you’re up against. I really didn’t want to take the traditional route because I tend to have yeast problems and my babies usually get thrush when newborn at some point. So I had to get more aggressive with my natural tools until I got the upper hand.
When natural solutions don’t seem to be working:
– Make sure they are high quality or fresh
– Use or take them more frequently (unlike meds, it’s hard to overdose on the remedies I use)
– Increase the quantities slightly or add stronger therapies
– Be sure to supporting your body with lots of water, good nutrition supplements and light, healthy eating